Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dangers Threatening India

Four Dangers which India is facing today

Swine Flu, Chinese aggression, economic recession and drought

Swine Flu:

Still at its inception in India, H1N1 virus has already affected a common urban Indian. The Swine Flu death toll has already crossed 82 in the country, the highest - number of deaths : cases detected, which raises doubt on the centre as well as the state to effectively tackle the deadly pandemic.

The government has declared that the swine flu is here to stay and with the number of death reported increasing every day, it could lead to a major problem if not controlled properly. Reports say that the vaccines for the H1 N1 virus will come up the next year. Let’s hope that till then the number of death is bare minimum

The swine flu has resulted in quite a loss to our country economy - particularly in Maharashtra. The closure of malls, multiplexes, etc have resulted in tremendous losses to the economy. Also the timing of the flu couldn't be worse. It struck in the 1st week of August and aggravated around the middle of the month when there were festivities across all the religions. The celebrations of the Independence Day, Gokulashtami, Patteti, Padusan (Jain New Year), Start of Id fastings, Ganesh festival, etc have been affected. Especially the income of the people who sell roadside things during the festivals has taken a beating. Movies - Kaminey, Life Partner have also survived loss of close to Rs 25 crore.

Chinese aggression

I’ve never considered China a friend of India. It has now and then made it clear to the govt of india that it supports Pakistan and Bangladesh. The act of banning Indian sea food in response to India's ban on the Chinese toys and milk products clearly shows the Chinese attitude towards India. It's opposition to India at the Asian Development Bank recently for an irrigation project in Arunachal Pradesh exemplifies its stand towards India. China is still not ready to accept that Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim are a part of soverign India.

According to a news (on *INDIA TV*), Chinese thinktank is planning to divide india into 30 parts. Though this piece of News is highly exaggerated, Indian Government cannot neglect the movement of Chinese troops along the northeastern border of our country. Steps to answer to their aggression should be thought about and implemented quickly.

I am though an admirer of China who by its sheer power has managed to emerge as a global leader. However, its hunger for is worrying me. It doesn’t believe in peaceful existence.

Economic recession and the drought combined

Time couldn't have been worse for the drought to strike India. India has been trying hard to come out of the clutches of the global recession. The huge fiscal deficit created by government of India to help the economy will not be sufficient in case the monsoons don't come in the September.

174 districts in India have been declared drought affected and huge chuncks of money are being allocated to these districts. However, according to some reports there has been corruption in the list too (some northeastern states receiving ample rain have also been declared drought prone).

Food security problem which was actually a problem this year has just become more grave with the declaration of drought. Problems related to power, water shortages, agricultural suicides, etc will be more rampant in the next year.

Thus, the next year looks very tough and I that India is able to sail through without much damage.


  1. What about
    & the root causes of all the Politicians

  2. @ Jinesh:
    These are not the dangers. These are the problems prevailing in India sinced long. These problems have existed over a long time. These no doubt hamper the progress of our nation but these aren't threatening coz they have been in the system for long. However, the 4 dangers which I mentioned are dangers which will have long-lasting effects on our economy.
