Monday, November 7, 2011


Google has been making a lot of changes ever since it launched google plus - trying to integrate all existing functions. Gmail was revamped recently with quite much publicity but very quietly, Google has revamped Google Reader, a reader which has enabled me to read so many things on one platform. Now after revamp, the facility which enabled it to be viewed on my non-android phone has been discontinued and now it takes more time to open articles and to read things on this platform. The seamless reading experience is gone. There being not many good alternatives to this reader, I have to change accordingly now in the way Google wishes to.

Sometimes I wonder how much dependent I am on this company. My job exists because of google since it empowers a novice like me to get relevant information. Had google not been there, the job would have to be done by a much more experienced person. Its like I am too much dependent on the products of this company.

Generally to avoid overdependency on one particular vendor, OEMs develop alternate vendors. Big chemical firms help develop alternate source of raw materials by investing in smaller companies. Investment is done in a lot of instruments to avoid overdependency on one particular instrument and possibly also maximize returns. So, everywhere possible, we try to develop alternatives thereby avoiding dependency, enhancing competition and improving service/product.

But in the case of Google the entry barrier or the technological and data barrier is very high for a new search engine and similarly developed product. I cannot envision even one search engine even close to Google. Alternatives of Google Reader all have major issues with integration and quite a lot of them do depend on google reader for feed as well. There seems no alternatives to these widely used product.

I can't imagine what hell will break when google fails to function even for a single day. So much dependence.


Today, we adjust according to them because we have no alternatives. Who knows Google will start charging for conducting searches in the future. What shall we do then?

Its high time someone develops a viable alternative to these useful applications so that if anything undesirable occurs to Google, our lives aren't affected.

Having no other option I have now adjusted my phone according to the new url settings and read but the experience is in no way same. May be thats the price I am paying for not using Android operated phone.